
Equipped with a solid background in Sports Coaching, and with extensive experience as an athlete, Scott brings a unique understanding of athletes’ needs to his practice. During his 18 years as a massage therapist, Scott has worked with individual champions and professional sports teams. Accustomed to working with other health practitioners such as physiotherapists, sports doctors and osteopaths, Scott offers a holistic approach to massage and seeks to address the specific needs of each client.

He promotes the implementation of simple strategies to achieve and maintain physical wellbeing and values the opportunity to assist people to live a healthier and happier life. Scott’s clients can expect not just a great massage, but also sound advice and an increased understanding of health matters. Whether their goal is simply to improve their posture, or win gold in their chosen sport, Scott’s responsive attitude and practical expertise assists them to achieve and maintain physical wellbeing. Scott is also a member of AAMT and offers a rebate with all participating funds.